Construction as a solution to unemployment

Experts in construction point out the relevance of the sector as a key factor in fighting the economic crisis and high levels of unemployment affecting our country as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

When we talk about construction, in most cases we think of it as a purely masculine and physically demanding job. But, currently, this sector is far from what it used to be and, even more, from what it is expected to become. This is due to the technological revolution that the construction world is undergoing, making it possible to digitalize processes and machinery, therefore saving costs, time and physical strength.

If we look at the facts, the sector is currently outdated, masculinized and aging. Only 18% of workers are under 35 years old and only 8.6% are women. The digitalization and technification of processes and machinery imply the need for workers to be qualified in the new techniques, which presents a great career opportunity for unemployed youth, both men and women.

Also, according to the latest report carried out by the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, the brick and mortar trade is on the rise. Not only has it recovered very quickly from the forced halt due to confinement, but it is forecasting a 6% growth for the whole year. Pedro Fernandez, president of the National Confederation of Construction (CNC), proposes construction as a solution to the current crisis and explains the need for new workers in the sector. The recovery and resilience plan alone, approved by the Next Generation European funds, proposes almost 200,000 job opportunities for housing rehabilitation.

Construction has always been considered as a driving force in the country’s economy, which actually makes up 9.8% of the GIP. Experts demand investments in infrastructure from the government in order to promote the potential of the sector and also question the penalization of forced retirements, as they create obstacles to rejuvenating the workforce in a profession that is clearly evolving and offers great opportunities for professional growth.

In light of the job instability we are experiencing, the construction sector is a good opportunity to promote young talent and gender parity in the workplace, opening the doors to new careers and creating a more optimistic future.

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